Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween crafts

Well I had big plans for this Halloween but a lot of them just didn't happen. It can be a real challenge to get your craftiness on when your six month old is teething. I still have high hopes for our church's trunk or treat this Saturday so I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Here are the Halloween "crafts" I was able to accomplish:

This is the little "scene" I created at my entry way.

I took mason jars and placed a candle down inside. Then I added moss around the bottom of the candle. I found these silhouette stickers at dollar tree and they stuck pretty well to the jar. I then tied tulle to the top of the jar.

I was pleased with how well they turned out for such a cheap price.

This is a picture that I always have out but I decided to give it some character and added some sticker mustaches to it for some humor. We are in disguise if you can't tell.

I found this little guy at Target for a dollar and I thought he added a nice touch of color to all the black and white.

Normally a print of a man playing guitar sits in the big frame but for Halloween he took a back seat. Initially I was going to cover the background with newspaper but our newspaper did not have any pages that were just black and white. But then I remembered I had this wrapping paper so I covered the back of the frame with it and put a wall decal of a withered tree and crows on top of it. It did not turn out as spooky as I had hoped but I still think it looks neat.

All and all I like how it all looks. Hopefully next year I can add some fake spider webs to the "scene" and build on to it with other ideas.

My next project did not turn out as hoped. I got the idea from Pinterest to make some nutterbutter ghosts and some pretzel ghosts. I bought pretzel rods, nutterbutters, vanilla candyquick and mini chocolate chips. Unfortunately I heated the candyquick too long so it was very lumpy and hard to dip so the ghosts look a little deformed.
These are my ghosts. They still look ok but not as pretty has the ones on pinterest.

This is my overheated candyquick. DO NOT heat this stuff up too long. I will get pasty and hard to dip.


  1. Love the mason jars!!! Too cute. :D

  2. The mason jars are adorable! Maybe you guys should come hang out with us and the boys can keep the teething babies and we can craft!
