Saturday, October 29, 2011

A day of last minute changes

Today was our Trunk or Treat and I had big plans... BIG PLANS! But the world had different plans for me. I was not as crafty as I wanted to be today but I had to think on my feet because of some blunders I made on my quest to make our Halloween costumes.

First we woke up this morning and our Truck would not start so we were down to one car. That meant we had to combine all of our errands together instead of dividing an conquering. First stop was the church to put up the Fall Festival sign since the weather did not permit me to put it up earlier this week.
Nothing too crafty about the sign but it was all from great bargain finds at Walmart and Dollar Tree. I laminated everything so I will have it for next year. Oh and those pumpkin garbage bags are filled with old church bulletins since we did not have any leaves.

After some errands in town I ran home to finish mine and Jacob's costumes. There were several mishaps but this is the finished product. We are bakers and Reese is a cupcake. We got her costume on sale at Babies R Us.

This is my apron I made with iron ons from Hobby Lobby and a red pom pom hot glued on top for the  cherry. Jacob's was supposed to have a cupcake too but I did his first and misread the directions and this is what happened:

If you can't tell this is a cupcake ironed on to my kitchen towel. The instructions said to place the transfer with adhesive (image) side down which I guess I misunderstood because when I pulled the iron up the cupcake was on the towel. So not having a lot of time I had to think about what I was going to do for Jacob's apron and this is what I came up with:

I took some fabric I had and made them in the shape of candy then I hot glued them on. I thought they ended up pretty cute. I think I would like to possibly make a onesie for Reese like this but cleaned up. These were very last minute.

My other big plan was to make our trunk look like a sweet shop with bonbons and suckers made out of tissue paper. Unfortunately there was no time for that so I used some of the extra cut outs I had from the sign and hung them on the car. This is how it turned out:
The picture is blurry but you get the idea. Hopefully next year I will be able to do more crafts but I am just glad to have gotten there in one piece. All in all it was a good night.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween crafts

Well I had big plans for this Halloween but a lot of them just didn't happen. It can be a real challenge to get your craftiness on when your six month old is teething. I still have high hopes for our church's trunk or treat this Saturday so I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Here are the Halloween "crafts" I was able to accomplish:

This is the little "scene" I created at my entry way.

I took mason jars and placed a candle down inside. Then I added moss around the bottom of the candle. I found these silhouette stickers at dollar tree and they stuck pretty well to the jar. I then tied tulle to the top of the jar.

I was pleased with how well they turned out for such a cheap price.

This is a picture that I always have out but I decided to give it some character and added some sticker mustaches to it for some humor. We are in disguise if you can't tell.

I found this little guy at Target for a dollar and I thought he added a nice touch of color to all the black and white.

Normally a print of a man playing guitar sits in the big frame but for Halloween he took a back seat. Initially I was going to cover the background with newspaper but our newspaper did not have any pages that were just black and white. But then I remembered I had this wrapping paper so I covered the back of the frame with it and put a wall decal of a withered tree and crows on top of it. It did not turn out as spooky as I had hoped but I still think it looks neat.

All and all I like how it all looks. Hopefully next year I can add some fake spider webs to the "scene" and build on to it with other ideas.

My next project did not turn out as hoped. I got the idea from Pinterest to make some nutterbutter ghosts and some pretzel ghosts. I bought pretzel rods, nutterbutters, vanilla candyquick and mini chocolate chips. Unfortunately I heated the candyquick too long so it was very lumpy and hard to dip so the ghosts look a little deformed.
These are my ghosts. They still look ok but not as pretty has the ones on pinterest.

This is my overheated candyquick. DO NOT heat this stuff up too long. I will get pasty and hard to dip.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cloth flower headband

So I finally have the chance to post about the new headbands I made for my daughter and nieces. They turned out really well and I can not wait to do some more in different colors.

I started out with some precut fabric swatches, a fold over elastic headband, and a button cover kit from hobby lobby. I also had coordinating thread and my handy dandy sewing kit. To trace the circles I used some bare mineral make-up containers.

First I traced seven circles.

I cut my circles out.

I folded my circles in half and then in half again.

I attached six of the folded circles to the seventh circle.

This is four circles attached. You could stop here but I added two more overlapping the edges to give the flower more depth.

Then I took an extra piece of fabric and followed the directions on the button cover kit from Hobby Lobby.

Very simple. I am addicted to making my own buttons now.

I attached the button to the flower.

I made three flowers. There are two small ones and one medium flower. I am also using a crocheted flower I bought in a pack at Hobby Lobby. (crocheting is for a later quest.)

I used the crocheted flower as a base to attach my three flowers so they would not be flimsy.

Then I attached the crocheted flower onto the fold over elastic band.

I attached another crocheted flower to the back of the band to hide my ugly stitches. (and trust me they were ugly)

And here is the final product! Quest completed!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A work in progress

Well my sweet baby was a little under the weather today so I did not get to do much on my headbands. I was able to make one flower and it turned out really well. I am very pleased. When I have finished the project I will be sure to post the final result. I also put up some of my Halloween decorations out which is always fun. Two projects I want to do for Halloween are making candle holders with silhouettes and covering my art work with something temporary that is spooky. I have some ideas for both projects so I will post more on those as they are completed.

Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby and I walked down some aisles I have never gone down before (like the cross stitch aisle) and it was like a world of possibilities opened up to me. There are lots of things I want to try. I look forward to seeing what I can do. I hope to have a finished headband to show tomorrow but you never know what the day may bring. Until then my quest is not finished... I love the cheesiness in that statement. Ha!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Baby headband and bow

Ok my current craft quest is a flowered handband for my daughter and my niece. I went to Hobby Lobby today to buy some material. I have used felt to make flowers but they always end up looking bulky. I think I may have been using the wrong felt. For these headbands I am going to use cloth material. I bought some precut squares and double folded elastic. Tomorrow if my child allows I will try it out. Wish me luck... I will report back!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Witch Hat Cookies

I got this idea off of Pinterest. So easy and so good. People were impressed!

First you need Keebler Elf fudge stripe cookies, hershey kisses, and wilson frosting (I found some in the Halloween section that was ready to use)

Lay the fudge striped cookies face down

Squeeze Icing in a circle around cookie hole

Unwrap Hershey Kiss and place in the center of icing...over the cookie hole

There you have it! Easy Witch hat cookies.

I can do that!

I recently had a baby so I have now been introduced to a whole new world of products and ideas. I see all these amazing ideas on websites and I look and think "I can do that!" So that is where I am at. I have never learned to sew, cook, bake, or decorate but I do like to be creative. I am armed with my hot glue gun and have my fingers ready to do a google search and I am going to "be crafty!' We will see how I do.